For many years, most scientists implicitly assumed that crustal-scale processes (eg., volcanism) and surface processes (eg., precipitation) operate at such different spatial and temporal scales that the latter would be unlikely to affect the former. However, data from high-precision, long-term, and continuous sensor networks are beginning to show that, instead, processes operating deep within the Earth are sensitive to events happening at or near its surface. For example, uplift in the Sierra Nevada detected by a network of GNSS stations (it's the same idea as GPS) was found to be caused by seasonal changes in groundwater levels and a long-term drought (Amos et al., 2014, Nature ). In a paper published in Geophysical Research Letters , George Hilley and his colleagues analyzed data from the GNSS network and a CO2 (carbon dioxide) sensor near the Mammoth Mountain ski area along the eastern slope of the southern Sierra Nevada. The goal of the study was to understand the process...
A recent paper on the historic 22-year drought in the Southwest U.S., published in Nature Climate Change by Williams and colleagues, received a great deal of attention in the media. Even though it is not focused on the Sierra Nevada, it used data from the Sierra Nevada and also has important ramifications for the range; therefore, I thought it was appropriate to discuss it here. In addition, this blog provides the opportunity to present interesting and important details that may have been left out in the press accounts. The yellow box on this map outlines the study area. This map also shows the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) anomaly, a measure of how 'thirsty' the air has been during the past twenty years relative to previous years. This anomalously high vapor pressure deficit is thought to be responsible for the outbreak of large fires in the region. One of the many strengths of this paper is that it focuses on soil moisture, rather than temperature or precipitation. Soil mois...